Borough Hall: 908-245-6222

Clean Communities

Municipal Complex - First Floor - 110 East Westfield Ave. - Roselle Park, NJ 07204


Maxine Padulsky
908-418-3461  (Phone) (email)


Roselle Park Clean Communities Mini-Grant Program

The Borough of Roselle Park Clean Communities Mini-Grant Program is part of the New Jersey Clean Communities statewide, comprehensive, litter-abatement program created by the passage of the Clean Communities Act in 1986. The Act provides a funding source for the program by placing a tax on fifteen categories of businesses that may produce litter-generating products. The Borough of Roselle Park is required to implement litter abatement programs that incorporate the elements of cleanup, enforcement and education. The Act also provides guidelines on the use of funds. Municipalities and counties must file statistical reports with the New Jersey Clean Communities Council, Inc. every grant year. Statistical reports track the expenditure of funds and the progress of local programs. The Borough of Roselle Park conducts spring and fall cleanups on properties throughout the town. Qualified organizations can earn up to $500 for their service. In addition to the Borough cleanups, individual groups who wish to schedule a service anytime throughout the year can apply for a mini-grant.
To apply for a mini-grant, please contact Maxine Padulsky, Clean Communities Coordinator: phone 908-418-3461

Roselle Park Clean Communities News:





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