Borough Hall: 908-245-6222
Roselle Park Parking Enforcement Bureau
Roselle Park Police Department – Roselle Park Municipal Complex
110 East Westfield Avenue, Roselle Park, New Jersey 07204
Phone: 908-245-2300
The Borough of Roselle Park Police Department’s Parking Enforcement Bureau is tasked with the enforcement of the various parking regulations enacted by local and New Jersey state government entities. Such enforcement includes, but is not limited to: parking meters, permit parking, handicap parking, alternate-side/street-sweeper parking, and temporary parking regulations.
Parking Meters are in effect on-street within and about the Central Business District and in Municipal Parking Lots No. 1 and No. 2 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday, excluding meter holidays established within the Borough Code. Fees are $0.25 for each 30-minute period of time.
There shall be no parking meter fees charged on any public street or municipal parking lot on Sundays or any of the following holidays:
New Year's Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
President's Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
General Election Day
Veterans' Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Municipal Parking Lot No. 1
Location: The location of Municipal Parking Lot No. 1 shall be understood as the off-street municipal parking area on the easterly side of Chestnut Street (County Road 627) and bounded to the north by Charles Street and to the south by Williams Street.
GENERAL REGULATIONS: Overnight parking in Municipal Parking Lot No. 1 is permitted for non-commercial vehicles between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. without any parking meter fees. Commercial, omnibus, and livery vehicles, inclusive of all trailers associated therewith, shall be expressly prohibited from parking in Municipal Parking Lot No. 1 between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
Municipal Parking Lot No. 2
Location: The location of Municipal Parking Lot No. 2 shall be understood as the off-street municipal parking area nearest to the southeastern corner of the intersection of Grant Avenue and Chestnut Street.
GENERAL Regulations: Overnight parking in Municipal Parking Lot No. 1 is permitted for non-commercial vehicles between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. without any parking meter fees. Commercial, omnibus, and livery vehicles, inclusive of all trailers associated therewith, shall be expressly prohibited from parking in Municipal Parking Lot No. 1 between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m.
Senior citizens with a Senior Citizen Parking Permit shall not be required to pay any parking meter fees for parking in Municipal Parking Lot No. 2. Qualified Roselle Park residents are eligible for free senior citizen parking permits. Please contact the Borough Clerk’s Office at 908-245-6222 x78 for more information
Municipal Parking Lot No. 3
Location: The location of Municipal Parking Lot No. 3 shall be understood as the off-street municipal parking area on the southerly side West Webster Avenue approximately 550 linear feet to 900 linear feet west of Locust Street (County Road 619). This area is commonly known as the “RPYBSL Ballfields Parking Lot.”
GENERAL Regulations: Vehicles may not be parked in Municipal Parking Lot No. 3 for more than eight (8) hours; nor may vehicles be parked in Municipal Parking Lot No. 3 between the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.
Municipal Parking Lot No. 4E
Location: The location of Municipal Parking Lot No. 4E shall be understood as the off-street parking area adjacent to the eastern side of the Municipal Complex located at 110 East Westfield Avenue (State Route 28).
GENERAL Regulations: No person shall park any vehicle in Municipal Lot No. 4E unless they are doing business with the Borough of Roselle Park, are an employee of the Borough of Roselle Park, or are otherwise authorized by the Borough of Roselle Park to park at that location. Likewise, no member of the general public shall park any vehicle in an area designed specifically for use by Borough employees. Overnight parking in Municipal Parking Lot No. 4E is prohibited except for employees of the Borough of Roselle Park.
Municipal Parking Lot No. 4W
Location: The location of Municipal Parking Lot No. 4W shall be understood as the off-street parking area adjacent to the western side of the Municipal Complex located at 110 East Westfield Avenue (State Route 28).
GENERAL Regulations: No person shall park any vehicle in Municipal Lot No. 4W unless they are doing business with the Borough of Roselle Park, are an employee of the Borough of Roselle Park, or are otherwise authorized by the Borough of Roselle Park to park at that location. Likewise, no member of the general public shall park any vehicle in an area designed specifically for use by Borough employees. Overnight parking in Municipal Parking Lot No. 4W is prohibited except for employees of the Borough of Roselle Park.
Municipal Parking Lot No. 5
Location: The location of Municipal Parking Lot No. 5 shall be understood as the designated off-street municipal property on the south side of West Webster Avenue directly adjacent to the Roselle Park Department of Public Works facility located at 180 West Webster Avenue in a westerly direction.
GENERAL Regulations: Parking shall be permitted in delineated parking spots of Municipal Parking Lot No. 5 as follows for employees of the Borough of Roselle Park, and by residents of the Borough of Roselle Park only during times of a snow emergency as defined by Section 7-10 of the Municipal Code wherein snow has fallen and such accumulation covers the street. Residential parking in Municipal Lot No. 5 during any other time is prohibited.
Municipal Parking Lot No. 6
Location: The location of Municipal Parking Lot No. 6 shall be understood as the off-street parking area behind and adjacent to the Roselle Park Veterans Memorial Library located at 404 Chestnut Street (County Road 627).
GENERAL Regulations: No person shall park any vehicle in Municipal Lot No. 6 unless they are conducting library business or otherwise visiting the library. No member of the general public shall park any vehicle in an area designed specifically for use by library employees.